First Name
Last Name
My current age is: Age 55 and overAge 45 to 54Age 35 to 44Under age 35
Your main investment goal from now until retirement is: To grow my money slowly and as safely as possibleTo grow my money medium slow, understanding that I’m exposed to slightly more riskTo mainly grow my money but with some cautionTo grow my money as fast as possible for the long term, regardless of short-term price ups and downs
If you owned an investment that fell by 20% over a short period, you would: Move all that was left out of that investmentMove some of what was left out of that investmentHold the investment, I feel it should improve over timeContribute more to the fund that has suffered the loss
How do you feel about this statement: “Investing in managed funds is the same as gambling in a casino because the odds are stacked against me” I agree stronglyI agreeI neither agree nor disagreeI disagreeI disagree strongly
Investment Mix Money in the bankMoney in the bank and propertyMoney in the bank, property, and sharesMainly shares
Risk Assessment Score